Monday, 29 April 2013

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Seven steps to stay healthy and fit by fitness expert Parth Adhyaru for people with a busy lifestyle.
It is easy to stay fit when on a time-crunched schedule; just follow these seven simple principles:

Smaller, more frequent meals

Over the years it has become evident that smaller meals taken at about every 3 hours does not only keep the metabolism up and prevent fat-gain, but also maintains a steady level of energy throughout the day while minimising lethargy & indigestion. No matter how small a meal is, it could be just a handful of roasted grams and a cup of milk!

Exercise whenever you can

Stick to the simplest forms of bodyweight exercises (calisthenics) that can be performed by anyone - at any place without using any exercise equipment. It is recommended that exercises should be performed on a regular basis; exercising twice a week is said to be regular. If you can't maintain a regular pattern, exercise whenever you can; for as little time as you can spare out of your busy schedule, it will still show some benefits.

Adequate sleep

Make sure you get at least 6-7 hours of quality sleep. If you have late working hours, you must rise late to give enough rest to your body and mind. However, going to bed early and rising early in the morning has matchless health benefits. Using sedatives, barbiturates and alcohol for inducing quality sleep is certainly bad for the system since these substances may mimic deep sleep but cannot induce the kind of sleep that is naturally induced by the human biochemical system.

Refrain from smoking & alcohol

Smoking and alcohol may seem to reduce stress and increase transient productivity or energy level. Certain substances may seem to provide quick relaxation to the mind but they at a steady pace degenerate every cell and organ of the body. Regular smoking or drinking added with stress will not only result in accelerated aging but may also lead to serious medical conditions, like thyroid health, digestive system, heart health, sexual system and metabolic disorders.

Maintain an erect posture

Maintaining an erect upright posture doesn't only make your appearance better but also improves your spine. Erect posture prevents lethargy and sluggishness. Slouching on the other end can lead to medical conditions not only related to spine but also gastro-digestive health and peripheral nervous disorders. Not maintaining erect upright posture has also been related to diminish cognitive abilities and deteriorated memory function.

Eat fruits at least twice a day

Ideally, make your breakfast and afternoon snack a combination of fruits. Fruits are not only healthy, but they are 'smart nutrition'. Even at quantities exceeding moderate, they will not get you adiposity; will not make you fat. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and numerous phytonutrients that play a vital role in human nutrition at a very micro level. Including fruits twice a day will ensure your intake of best quality natural sugars in addition to fibres, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Eat veggies of varied colours at least twice a day

Your lunch and dinner must include at least two servings of seasonal fresh veggies of varied colours. Various colours ensure a wide spectrum of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Including veggies twice a day will ensure your intake of best quality natural fibres in addition to essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. 

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